Big Data

First Class Graduates From Data Elite Big Data Lab | TechCrunch

Stamos Venios, Managing Partner of Data Elite says his company had a vision when they conceived of Data Elite, a lab of sorts, providing a support system for people with ideas for big data companies. This week, the first seven participants are moving onto the next stage.Venios said from the beginning they conceived of a place to provide more intensive support […]

Visual Business Intelligence – Big Mouths on Big Data

Yesterday, I read an article on the website of Scientific American titled “Saving Big Data from Big Mouths” by Cesar A. Hidalgo. As you know if you read this blog regularly, I have grave concerns about the hyperbolic claims of Big Data and believe that it is little more than a marketing campaign to sell expensive technology products and services. […]

Big data and education: Withered inBloom | The Economist

A FEW years ago a group of American educators got together to talk about a common problem. School systems were being swamped by data—like every other sector of the economy. And like other industries, they had no idea how to respond. But unlike businesses, most schools aren’t competitors. So they looked at how they could team up to solve their […]

Doing threat analysis big data while preserving user privacy. – F …

Doing threat analysis big data while preserving user privacy.
Posted by Jarno @ 07:33 GMT

Doing things the smart way requires good visibility, so we had to start doing big data. Or should we say big information, since any fool can collect massive amount of data, the trick is in converting big data into small and […]

The Data Economy: Big Data vendor alliances solidifying with …

The development of distinct, competing camps of vendors is one sure sign that an emerging market is maturing. This is precisely what we’re seeing now in the Big Data market.This morning Cloudera and MongoDB announced they are forming a “strategic partnership” that will see the vendors even more tightly integrate their two technologies and, in their words, “help enterprises define […]

Saving Big Data from Big Mouths – Scientific American

SA Forum is an invited essay from experts on topical issues in science and technology.It has become fashionable to bad-mouth big data. In recent weeks the New York Times, Financial Times, Wired and other outlets have all run pieces bashing this new technological movement. To be fair, many of the critiques have a point: There has been a lot of […]