
Microblog: Technical Analysis classroom | Stock Gumshoe

On another thread, Clomu asked about the validity of technical analysis (candlesticks, specifically, I think). Alan, our CEO, asked me to copy it to this thread, so here it is. Maybe I’ll get a raise! :>)===========================================As so many people have asked about so many experts, “If he is so good, why ain’t he rich?”My understanding […]

Sentiment Rises, Stocks Fall |

Right up until the chart below was prepared, it seemed the key point of this post was going to be that consumer sentiment is holding steady near some its best post-recession levels, but, in looking at the curve below it seems more important to ask what all the hubbub is about in the stock market that, according to some, is […]

Monday, March 10, 2014 – Shanky's Technical Analysis and Market …

Everything is going according to plan. All is well. Pay no attention to the Ukraine, China, Japan (and Fuku), the EU or any other nation that’s apparently on the brink of collapse. None of that news is real. There are plenty of positives out there. Take N. Korea for example. They’ve been successfully test firing missiles and KJU was just […]

Gambling machines 'the stock market for poor people'

Power, sex, pound coinsResponding to Labour’s accusations that they are fuelling poverty, betting shop owners said they were merely offering working class equivalent of City trading.Bookie Roy Hobbs said: “People who go to private school get to gamble on the stock exchange, where they shout at monitors, take cocaine in the bogs and then enjoy lobster dinners with Estonian prostitutes.“This […]

OCZ's stock opens back up for trading, down 74-percent in minutes …

With OCZ’s officially announcing that Toshiba has bought the entirety of its assets but not the company as a whole, trading has opened back up and in just the past few minutes we have seen the stock drop by 75-percent. OCZ opened at $0.35 per share and at the time of this writing is trading at just above $0.168 per […]