Big data at school: Open learning | The Economist

Big data at school: Open learning | The Economist

Here is my mini list of critical education skills for the 21st Century:

-Fluency in English, one European language AND Mandarin
(the last language will enable you to write your own ticket internationally with any Mega Global Conglomerate)

-BA in a STEM Field

-Expertise in Statistics and Familiarity with Scientific Literature

-Know the difference between healthy skepticism of an internet article and naivity.

-Ability to Mine Data from data sets, big data sets, metadata, graphs, social media, sales figures, Google and mobile GPS data and come up with simple hypothesis and predictions.

-Be able to READ data without being told what it means. Ability to surmise truth from statistics. Be able to summarize large amounts of data quickly and decisively. And be able to defend a decision from counter arguments.

-Be able to Write Simple Algorithms and Simple Computer Programming

-Be able to use major software packages including MS Office, Accountancy Software, Presentation Software, Adobe, and design a simple website with useful information, links, and media.

-Good Writing Skills.

-Research, develop expertise, and write definitive multimedia Wikipedia article on a novel topic of your choice. And maintain it as principal editor for a month. IT will teach you project management skills and how to deal with a variety of difficult personalities.

-If you are technically oriented and an overachiever: conceive, design, write, and market a useful APP for mobile computing. Make it simple and useful. Simply combine hybrid concepts: ie. Central Information Clearing House: GPS coordinate map and timeline for Message in a Bottle Letters on the Mediterranean Sea.

-Start and Fail a small business. The Failure is probably a good mark of learning Business 101. And may be more valuable than a Harvard MBA degree.

-Be polite, clean and well spoken. And not marred with tats on the face and studs on every part of cartilage.

A hard work ethic is not enough.
Hard earnest students must prepare specifically for the skills they need in the future.

College is not a Reward, but an Opportunity.
And you should develop your tools and at least learn one new novel thing each day.

Study the right things and your degree will have value.
Otherwise it is glorified hollow degree.

Read More: 

Big data at school: Open learning | The Economist

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