IBM Research: Big Data Customer Engagement Solution Unveiled

IBM Research: Big Data Customer Engagement Solution Unveiled

Editor’s note: This article is by Anshul Sheopuri, research staff member and manager of Consumer Modeling at IBM Research.

Skillsoft, a company that develops learning programs for business and government, recently partnered with us to develop new enterprise learning capabilities. These capabilities, based on advanced algorithms, predict optimal times that a business should engage or interact with customers, and also recommend content the business should provide.

“We’re building a powerful new big data engine that will let us optimize learning experiences and uncover new learning patterns that can be applied immediately so that the system is continually improving.

“This is the perfect application of big data: harness it and apply it to improve individual and organizational performance,” John Ambrose, Senior Vice President, Strategy, Corporate Development and Emerging Business, Skillsoft, wrote on his blog.

This “Customer Engagement Solution” we developed
addresses a fundamental question in Customer Experience: “How can we transform user engagement?”

Now we can mine the usage patterns of Skillsoft’s 20 million user base by using advanced machine learning algorithms and stochastic modeling techniques. This means that a business gets customized content recommendations for different engagement points – the “where” and “how” to talk to customers. The customer’s experience improves, too. They receive personalized visuals that explain why they received those customized recommendations.


IBM Research: Big Data Customer Engagement Solution Unveiled

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