Localist Roundup: Small Parks and Big Data – Front Porch Republic
Localist Roundup: Small Parks and Big Data
If the assessment in this piece is correct, President Obama won’t shy away from using executive orders to implement his agenda for the year. Meanwhile, legislators in Washington state have they’re own agenda: criminalize cooperating with the NSA. Apparently, similar measures are being discussed in other states as well.
This article worries that children coming from low-income backgrounds are coming to see college merely as an opportunity to attain high pay. The author emphasizes the value of education apart from it’s financial benefits.
Also, Google has recently acquired a company that makes internet-connected home devices (thermostats and alike). This piece notes that Google could use such devices to monitor at-home habits and deliver even more targeted advertising.
On an unrelated note, this article sings the praises of small parks.
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Localist Roundup: Small Parks and Big Data – Front Porch Republic