Shanghai Surprise: Another Bubble Bursts
This week the casino got monkey hammered. While the last holdouts went parabolic…
Wall Street’s latest acronym is Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google. The whole world is falling apart, but the good news is that Amazon finally made a microscopic profit by selling cheap shit over the internet. Their trailing profit margin is -.2%. I’m not making this shit up. And you know you’re running out of fumes when Netflix is considered a core holding…
Before we get to FANG, the real news was Apple getting shellacked on a weak earnings report…
I will go out on a limb and say that this is a top 6 months in the making…
Presenting FANG: The four horsemen of the 2015 Tech-Apocalypse…
Faceplant…aka Icarus…
Gapped up 20% this past Friday, gave half back by close…
Netflix: No bubble here…
Google, July 17th:
How to give your stock the largest one day market cap gain in world historyStep 1) Hire Morgan Stanley CFO
Step 2) Use the word “discipline” during a conference call
The stock has already given half of the gain back since last Friday, since it was just human history’s largest short-covering rally…
Biotech got monkey hammered -4% on Friday, mostly due to Biogen getting CYNK’d -22%:
IPOs peaked in May
Revenueless Biotech is getting “repriced”
The Russell Dow Ratio has peaked: RISK OFF
The Nasdaq’s 3-std deviation manic overthrow is now getting CYNK’d back to reality
Nasdaq 100 with % of stocks above 200 Day moving average…
Amid the silent screams of another generation of Etraders getting Shanghai’d into fucking oblivion
This article:
Shanghai Surprise: Another Bubble Bursts
See which stocks are being affected by Social Media