
China's Stock Market – China Law Blog

Backyard steel furnaces
I take no position one way or the other on any Chinese stock market crash, including the most recent one. And despite a fairly high investment risk  tolerance (I bought a Russia fund right after Boris Yeltsin fired his fourth president), I have never purchased a Chinese stock. My having to deal with China company books and records as a […]

Two Ominous Stock Market Charts | Zero Hedge

Submitted by Pater Tenebrarum via,A Big Dow Theory DivergenceWe briefly want to show a few charts that have caught our eye recently. This is by no means a comprehensive market update (we plan to provide one soon). Here is something though one doesn’t see all too often: the Dow Industrials and Transportation averages have diverged from each other for […]

NOAA Moves to Unleash “Big Data” and Calls Upon American …

Printer-friendly versionGuest blog post by Kathryn Sullivan, Ph.D., Acting Undersecretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Acting NOAA Administrator From the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), part of the Department of Commerce, works to keep citizens informed about the changing environment around them. Our vast network […]

How to Trade Stocks – Profitable Trading Tips

As the stock market rises in value new investors and potential traders become interested in how to trade stocks. How to trade stocks successfully is not just a matter of acting on a stock tip from your friend. It is a matter of learning both fundamental as well as technical analysis of stocks, market sectors, and […]

Stock Trading – Wait for the Reason and Miss the Opportunity

In How to Trade in Stocks, Jesse Livermore discussed “the folly of trying to find out a good reason why you should buy or sell a given stock.”He wrote in the context of the behavior of U.S. stocks, whose four major sectors – including steel makers – had risen after World War 2 began. While other sectors continued to advance, […]