
Stock market plunges since 2007 – Business Insider

It has been a wild few days in the markets.US markets are rallying Wednesday after an ugly day Tuesday, which saw stocks rally sharply early in the day before a huge sell-off in the final hour of trading.But as interesting as it is to track the play-by-plays, it’s also worth taking a gander at how this recent plunge looks relative to others.This chart from Doug Short highlights […]

Stock market margin debt – Business Insider

Doug Short, Advisor PerspectivesHere’s some encouraging news for stock-market bears …Margin debt (red in the chart above) hit a new high in April.Even after adjusting for inflation, margin debt is now higher than it was at the peak of the great bull market in 2000 and the echo bull market in 2007.What is “margin debt”?It’s the amount of money stock […]