
EQLIM Startup Aims To Surface Geopolitical Big Data In The Middle …

The EQLIM startup, which means ‘region’ or ‘territory’ in Arabic, has launched, aiming to create a subscription service for real-time data about human activity in emerging economies. The Beirut, Lebanon-based startup wants to address the lack of data about the Middle East.It will look at big data covering geopolitics, infrastructure, and commerce, as well as data cross health, environment, agriculture, […]

RavenPack Sentiment News: Global Tensions on the Rise in 2014 …

Last weekend my wife remarked how torrid the world appeared to be at the moment. Indeed, unless you’ve had your head in the sand, you’ll know global tensions have been on the rise this year. Using RavenPack’s macroeconomic and geopolitical data set, we can see the elevated the number of geopolitical events taking place and how depressed sentiment has become.

Technical analysis of terrorist graphic/brand design – Boing Boing


On We Make Money, Not Art, Regine has posted a long and fascinating review of the 2013 book
Branding Terror. The Logotypes and Iconography of Insurgent Groups and Terrorist Organizations
, which presents a detailed analysis of the visual identity of terrorist and non-state-actor insurgent groups around the world and over time. Underground and criminalized subcultures have produced some remarkable and […]