
How automation at scale can put HP ahead in Big Data services …

How automation at scale can put HP ahead in Big Data services | #HPBigData2014 Cheryl Knight | August 20thREAD MOREBeing able to handle massive amounts of Big Data can help a company keep a step ahead of its competition, and Hewlett-Packard, Co. is hoping to provide the platform to help companies gain the lead. Real-time data in particular can empower […]

How society can survive the robot takeover: Professor predicts Big …

With a background in sociology, Tom Davenport, a Distinguished Professor in Management and Information Technology at Babson College and author of 19 books on management practices and analytics, thinks about technology in terms of what it means for humans. At the Hewlett-Packard (HP) Vertica Big Data Conference this week, he joined theCUBE’s John Furrier and Dave Vellante and talked about […]

The Limits of Big Data: A Review of Social Physics by Alex Pentland …

In 1969, Playboy published a long, freewheeling interview with Marshall McLuhan in which the media theorist and sixties icon sketched a portrait of the future that was at once seductive and repellent. Noting the ability of digital computers to analyze data and communicate messages, he predicted that the machines eventually would be deployed to fine-tune society’s workings. “The computer can […]

Singapore Exchange issues first trading cautions on penny stocks …

Singapore Exchange issues first trading cautions on penny stocks

Published : 6:34 am March 14, 2014 | 28 views | No comments so far |
| E-mail to friend Reuters: Singapore Exchange Ltd. issued on Wednesday its first ever “trade with caution” warnings, flagging two listed firms which have […]

UALR Lab Translates Big Data Into Dollars | Arkansas Business …

A reporter is zooming around downtown Little Rock, zipping past the soon-to-be-renamed Metropolitan Tower and down Spring Street toward the Arkansas River. As she prepares to swoop over the Old State House, her legs start to buckle and nausea strikes.Her tour guide lets up on the controls, slowing the visitor’s wingless flight and letting her regain her balance.For a novice […]

Stock Market Analysis: Day Trading – How to Day Trade

Day Trading – A guide to trading stocks! – @stockstobuy – Day Trading is short term trading of shares of stock. Day Trading can be very lucrative if you follow several keys rules and remain disciplined. Day Traders usually buy and sell stocks quickly through out the day and avoid holding a stock overnight.Day Trading Rules:1. Don’t […]

Will the Internet Destroy the Stock Market? – Harvard Business Review

Last week, the NASDAQ exchange froze for three hours due to a faulty connection. On Monday, Europe’s largest derivatives market shut down for an hour because of a glitch. Last month, 14,000 people in rural Iowa lost internet access after a minor car crash crushed a cable. In 2011, the entire country of Egypt had a total internet blackout after […]