
TraderFeed: How the U.S. Dollar Rise is Impacting the Stock Market

We have the unusual situation in which many central banks–most notably in Japan and Europe–are pursuing monetary policies of quantitative easing, while the U.S. has been in the mode of exiting its program. The result is that interest rate differential trends across the world–as well as relative economic growth–increasingly support the U.S. dollar. Indeed, as we can see from the […]

Hiring criminals: Big data says go for it. – Slate

Eamon Javers tells us about a bunch of correlations people are finding as our computational power increases, including this gem for the human resources department:I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that people with criminal records are good moneyball hires, who come at a salary discount that’s way out of proportion to their job performance. But the news that criminals outperform […]