
China's economic woes extend far beyond its stock market …

China’s economic outlook is causing global jitters. Photograph: Rolex Dela Pena/EPA
The Chinese government’s heavy handed efforts to contain recent stock market volatility – the latest move prohibits short-selling and sales by major shareholders – have seriously damaged its credibility. But China’s policy failures should come as no surprise. Policymakers there are far from the first to mismanage financial markets, currencies, […]

Dr. Chi-Huey Wong, President, Academia Sinica

Academia Sinica is Taiwan’s highest-ranking research institution.Academia Sinica is considered the premier research institute here in Taiwan. Can you talk to us about the role of Academia Sinica in the research for new drug discoveries?Dr. Chi-Huey Wong (C-HW): The academy is the highest-ranking research institution here in Taiwan, and we are involved in cutting edge research in the fields of […]

Online stock trading Lastupdate:- Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:30:00 GMT …

Gone are the days when a stock broker was the only means for trading of stocks. Its a history that the stock brokers would handle the entirety of stock taking taking orders (buying & selling of stocks) and even acting as advisors to average persons intending to take a dip in the equity market. With the advent of internet […]