
The Limits of Big Data: A Review of Social Physics by Alex Pentland …

In 1969, Playboy published a long, freewheeling interview with Marshall McLuhan in which the media theorist and sixties icon sketched a portrait of the future that was at once seductive and repellent. Noting the ability of digital computers to analyze data and communicate messages, he predicted that the machines eventually would be deployed to fine-tune society’s workings. “The computer can […]

Big Data for Health: Promises & Perils › From The Lab Bench – SciLogs

As described by Watched: A Wall Street Journal Privacy Report [1], big data is becoming ubiquitous, providing scientists, politicians and commercial entities alike data about us that we never thought they’d know. From the phones in our pockets to the trails we leave as we browse the web, our data provides information about our locations, our habits, our friends, our hobbies, […]