
Comedy movies and risky stock trading – linked? – Improbable …

Comedy movies and risky stock trading – linked?Attention stock-market followers – have you considered whether weekend comedy-movie attendance, and investment in risky stock-market assets on the following Monday might be linked? This question has been the subject of an in-depth investigation by Gabriele M. Lepori, (formerly) Assistant Professor of Finance at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (now at Keele Management School, […]

Crowdsourced investor sentiment – News & Commentary

US Companies with good social media sentiment have seen their shares outperform the rest of the market by 56% in the 23 months leading up to last November
The inverse holds true for companies which are subject to negative sentiment
As with anything in the social media world, the universe of shares subject to positive and negative sentiment varies rapidlyIn highlighting which […]

Serial Correlation: What it is and How it Applies to Stock Trading

Serial correlation, sometimes also called autocorrelation, defines how any value or variable relates to itself over a time interval. It is a technical term used by statisticians, mathematicians and engineers. Don’t worry if it doesn’t click right away; by the time we’re through with this tutorial, you’ll not only understand what serial correlation is, but also how it is used […]