VSE CORP Financials

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VSE Declares a $0.10 per Share Cash Dividend

[Business Wire] – VSE Corporation reported today that the Company’s Board of Directors has declared a quarterly dividend of $0.10 per share, an increase of 11%, for an annual payout rate $0.40 per share. moreView todays social media effects on VSECView the latest stocks trending across Twitter. Click to view dashboardSee who VSE is hiring next, click here to view […]

VSE Corp. Hits 52-Week High

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The Amazing Market’s Pendulum Move On VSE Corp.

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VSE Reports Financial Results for Fourth Quarter and Year Ended 2013

[Business Wire] – VSE Corporation reported the following unaudited consolidated financial results for the three-month and twelve-month periods ended December 31, 2013. moreView todays social media effects on VSECView the latest stocks trending across Twitter. Click to view dashboardSee who VSE is hiring next, click here to view […]