The Top 10 Articles of 2013: Big Data Zone | Javalobby
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Rather than the best of the week this week, let’s take a look at the
most popular articles Big Data had to offer in 2013. Note that not all of
these articles were actually published in 2013; regardless, some were
popular enough for months after publication that they still made the
list. Here are the top ten:
1. Big Data Beyond MapReduce: Google’s Big Data Papers
2. Hadoop Basics – Creating a MapReduce Program
3. Hashmap Internal Implementation Analysis in Java
4. How Hadoop Map/Reduce works
5. Java API for JSON Processing – Creating JSON Objects
6. Hibernate, and Querying 50k Records. Too Much?
7. GitHub’s 10,000 Most Popular Java Projects: Here are the Top Libraries They Use
8. Python: Reading a JSON file
9. Akka vs Storm
10. Chunk Oriented Processing in Spring Batch
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