To build or not to build: that is the big data question — Tech News …

To build or not to build: that is the big data question — Tech News …

In-house teams are often tasked with building and delivering a transformative IT project, and while CSP IT teams are highly skilled, this existing knowledge is often redundant in a big data world and new skills are now required. The acquisition of this expertise is one of the key drivers behind the shift toward pre-built big data solutions, though as with any new technology, there is always a period of trial and error as many big data projects experience severe teething problems with over-running time scales and billowing support costs.

Big data, however, is about a lot more than just technology; it’s about applying technology to business problems, which requires a combination of business acumen and technical expertise. In order to support business decisions with up-to-the-minute, relevant information, you need to understand what you are trying to achieve and how data can support that. Many IT departments focus on the technology first, without taking the time to think about how data will be applied in a business context. Specialist solutions, such as those developed by Guavus, are pre-built with data intelligence and are readily available to provide an effective shortcut to returns.

The key for CSPs looking to successfully make use of big data is in assessing their internal skill set, both from a business and technical standpoint, and deciding what will work best in their environment. However, in order for long-term adoption of big data to be fully realized, big data analytics needs to become an essential part of the telco IT infrastructure.

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To build or not to build: that is the big data question — Tech News …

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