What customers think of you – Insights reports for social care

What customers think of you – Insights reports for social care

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What customers think of you – Insights reports for social care

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Each conversation you have with a customer is an opportunity to learn about how people talk about your brand and what they talk about the most.

We’ve been working with the Topics, Sentiment and the Volume of conversations your brand deals with to uncover what your customers think of your brand. You are about to gain real insight.

Topics = What do you think?

It’s not enough to understand how many times your customers are mentioning certain topics. Brand Embassy’s Insight reports allow you see Topics by Source Type to understand how topics are discussed on different types of websites. Topics by Social Accounts allows brands to keep track of which topics are discussed most across different social accounts. You can see which topics are trending using Topic Evolution and explore Topic Relationships to finally gain insight how different topics are related.

Sentiment = Are you happy?

Understanding the sentiment of your audience provides some insight into how your customers are discussing your brand online. We wanted to bring real insight to the area of sentiment, and we’ve done just that. Now you can view Sentiment by Source type, separating that positive PR your brand generated in the news from negative reviews at online points of purchase.

Users can view Sentiment by Social Accounts and the overall Sentiment Evolution. Also exciting, is that now you can view Topic Sentiment to really see what areas of your business needs supporting.

Volume = Is it lot or not?

Communities around your industry or brand are spread throughout the entire social web. They have conversations with their peers that have real meaning. Here, in our new volume reports we highlight the Source Volume of incoming message from trending communities so you can engage with them while communities are still forming. You can also view Source Details, looking at the total volume of message coming from customers from individual sources, view the community sentiment and the effectivity of the social care being provided there by your brand.

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What customers think of you – Insights reports for social care

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