Learn To Trade Penny Stocks – Top Stock Picks
Learn To Trade Penny Stocks
Hello Traders and welcome to TopStockPicks.com the home of SuperNova Elite premium newsletter. The focus of my service is to teach people how to trade penny stocks and how to profit from penny stocks.
I have been in the stock market for over 15 years and the majority of those years have focused on teaching, giving live penny stock seminars, penny stock lessons as well as sharing my trading secrets that have allowed me financial freedom and the ability to enjoy life.
Many other stock services will charge you up to $5,000 for a 1 week crash course on how to trade penny stocks but I am not here to nickle and dime you to death. Just about all of the stock traders who come to me who have taken online stock courses like the one I described above, have all told me how they wished they had saved their money and signed up for my service instead; let me explain why.
By trade I am a teacher and I taught for 12 years at the elementary level. This to me is significant because 95% of the people out there have no idea how to trade penny stocks or where to start. Now imagine you just spend $5,000 for a 1 week stock market class and at the end of 1 week you are left feeling more confused than when you started. Reason why is because they try to cram everything you need to know in just a few days, its just not possible to learn it all in 3 to 5 days.
What I have done is develop a series of online educational video lessons which I have broken up in 3 “Steps.” Each step builds upon the other and this layered concept allows you to have a very strong set of knowledge when you are all done. Best part is, you learn at your own pace. All 110 video lessons are in our “members area” and can be viewed at any time and as many times as you wish.
Would you like to take a FREE look to see how you can learn to trade penny stocks too? Click here to review all 110 educational video lessons.
Once traders feel comfortable with what they have learned from my SuperNova Elite trading system, then they can trade live with me and our army of members. Our goal is simple, no pump and dump penny stocks, just play the technical and fundamental aspects of stocks under $5.00 per share and as low as $.001 in price. Scalp trades, short term trading and swing trading are all a part of what I offer.
I give all my alerts via email, text messaging and of course our live chat room which is the largest penny stock chat room on Wall Street today.
I will leave you with this, for just a few dollars a day you can learn to trade penny stocks and learn to be profitable trading penny stocks. If you would like to join thousands of already satisfied subscribers then click on the “Add To Cart” button below.
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