
SiQueries – Cameroonian Big Data startup to solve Africa's SME BI …

BIG DATA is coming at us at the speed of light in petabytes, exabytes, zettabytes, very soon in yottabyte (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes). The amount of data that is being generated is exploding like never before. And within that data lies valuable insights, new ideas that will could transform and solve business problems and provide new business opportunities.The potential of big Data […]

Big Data Eats Everything – Talking Points Memo

No doubt you heard about how the Obama campaign ran circles around Romney in the digital sphere last year. There was another less-sexy, sub-category of the digital advantage, which was that the Obama campaign used data-crunching to get a lot more ads per dollar than the Romney campaign. This was all really cool if you were an Obama […]