What’s Next for Biotech in 2015?
By The Life Science Report
Thursday, 15 January 2015 08:42
Are life sciences stocks in a bubble? Will this be the year biotech overshadows big pharma? Can you fit one more meeting in the schedule? (A reported 4,400 official one-on-one partnering events occurred during the Biotech Showcase 2015, with thousands more cards exchanged in hallways and ballrooms.)Now that the PowerPoint presentations are being put away and the after-parties are winding down, The Life Sciences Report collected the burning questions and sage insights posted on Twitter during the three-day Biotech Showcase, which was attended by more than 200 people. What were the highlights for you? Did you make the connection that will make all the difference? Are you already making plans for next year?The latest BUZZ from the Conference
Venture fund manager: “Life Science companies need to plan for financing constraints starting in 18 months. Raise money now!” #BTS15
Overheard in an elevator at #BTS2015 “You would be surprised how many tests are funded by the DoD.” #Biotech #DoD
“Answer the big question for a lot of patients and you will get funding.”- Bruce Booth, Atlas Venture #BTS2015
Are new funding streams for life science companies really here to stay? #BTS2015
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What’s Next for Biotech in 2015?
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