
Monsanto pushes Big Data-driven planting but farmers are skeptical

Some farmers are worried that with the latest push from seed manufacturers, their planting techniques could be used against them. Monsanto and DuPont (two of the largest seed providers in the world) are urging farmers to implement data-driven “prescriptive planting” tech that suggests how densely rows of seeds should be planted and at what depth. It also gives detailed information […]

One Possible Explanation for the January Stock-Market Fall

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Red Jahncke argues that the recent drop in U.S. stock markets may be a delayed response to a tax change:In late 2012, investors sold huge amounts of investments with long-term capital gains to take advantage of the expiring 15% “Bush” long-term capital-gains tax rate before the current 23.8% rate for higher-income investors took effect […]

Why Watson's in Jeopardy in the Big Data Game – Direct Marketing …

January 10, 2014

Why Watson’s in Jeopardy in the Big Data Game

Watson: From TV star to business mogul

IBM yesterday announced a three-pronged initiative to establish its Watson cognitive computing services as a player […]

The Penny Stock Trading Mindset | Stock Brain

Penny Stocks are affordable!  Penny Stocks are exciting!  Penny Stocks are volatile?  Penny Stocks are risky.The appeal of penny stocks is easy to see… small investment can bring big returns.  It’s also a fast way to lose money.  To avoid the many potential penny stock pitfalls, follow these tips to avoid the penny stock blindness that comes with the euphoric […]