
BigData-Startups | How Well Has Your Organisation Adopted Big …

Print PDFIn this video, Bill Schmarzo, discusses the Big Data Business Model Maturity Index, a tool that helps organisations understand how well they have adopted big data and what they need to do to achieve the ultimate phase of a data-driven, information-centric organisation. He discusses five different phases that your organisation can be at from the standard traditional business monitoring […]

BigData-Startups | How Oxford University Takes Big Data in …

Print PDFThe Oxford University knows how to take Big Data forward and recently started with a new initiative, which is funded by the Li Ka Shing Foundation. The Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Information and Discovery connects Big Data and latest technologies to make new discoveries. The centre brings together two different themes; research in Big Data and the […]

BigData-Startups | Social Sentiment And The Wisdom Of The Crowd

Print PDFSocial Sentiment analysis is transforming the entertainment industry. It helps marketers to know where to put their marketing dollars and to know in real-time what the reaction is to social media and advertising campaigns. The online buzz around movies before they appear in cinemas is very predictive for the success of those movies as the video shows by a […]