
Big data at school: Open learning | The Economist

Here is my mini list of critical education skills for the 21st Century:-Fluency in English, one European language AND Mandarin(the last language will enable you to write your own ticket internationally with any Mega Global Conglomerate)-BA in a STEM Field-Expertise in Statistics and Familiarity with Scientific Literature-Know the difference between healthy skepticism of an internet article and naivity.-Ability to Mine […]

MinnesotaTechJobs.com: Technical Analyst General

A successful candidate for the IS Information/Technical Analyst III, IV, or V positions must be able to work independently with customers and technical staff, and also plan and lead projects. The ability and desire to acquire new technology skills is integral to the position as the City learns more about Infor and how best to leverage its capabilities to best […]

BigData-Startups | Social Sentiment And The Wisdom Of The Crowd

Print PDFSocial Sentiment analysis is transforming the entertainment industry. It helps marketers to know where to put their marketing dollars and to know in real-time what the reaction is to social media and advertising campaigns. The online buzz around movies before they appear in cinemas is very predictive for the success of those movies as the video shows by a […]