
Sentiment Analysis Innovation Summit 2014: Day 1 Highlights

Highlights from the presentations by opinion mining experts from Twitter, eBay and Samsung on Day 1 of Sentiment Analysis Innovation Summit 2014 in San Francisco. By Anmol Rajpurohit (@hey_anmol), May 14, 2014.Sentiment Analysis Innovation Summit 2014 (May 1-2, 2014) held in San Francisco, CA was organized by the Innovation Enterprise. The summit brought together experts from industry and academia for […]

[1405.2584] Sentiment Analysis: A Survey – arXiv

Computer Science > Information Retrieval
Sentiment Analysis: A SurveyAuthors:Rahul Tejwani (University at Buffalo)(Submitted on 11 May 2014)
Abstract: Sentiment analysis (also known as opinion mining) refers to the use of
natural language processing, text analysis and computational linguistics to
identify and extract subjective information in source materials. Mining
opinions expressed in the user generated content is a challenging yet
practically very useful problem. This survey would […]

Sentiment Analysis and Business Sense – Clarabridge

By Seth Grimes, Founding Chair, Sentiment Analysis SymposiumGiven: Sentiment — opinion, emotion, and attitude — is a clear customer-experience indicator. Discover business value in feelings in their many forms via sentiment analysis, technology that helps you measure and quantify opinion that helps you respond and engage. This article will discuss the sentiment-customer experience link and analysis approaches that derive value.Solutions […]

Automatic Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Monitoring

LinkedIn0Google+0Facebook0Sentiment Analysis (also known as opinion mining) refers to the use of natural language processing, text analysis and computational linguistics to identify and extract subjective information in source materials. – Wikipedia.orgThere are two models widely used in automatic sentiment analysis.Linguistic ResourcesThe model most frequently used in commercial applications is based on linguistic resources and the other is based on machine […]

How to Use Sentiment Analysis to Improve Your Business?

Sentiment analysis has been lately a hot topic of debate among the social media professionals. The accuracy, the methodology of implementing and it’s practical usage, all have been discussed with different perceptions. Let’s take a quick look at why and how sentiment analysis can help your businesses grow.Why Sentiment Analysis?When there are hundreds of mentions around your brand, sentiment analysis […]

22 Sentiment APIs: Klout, TweetFeel and OpinionCrawl …

Our API directory now includes 22 sentiment APIs. The newest is the Bitcoin Sentiment API. The most popular, in terms of mashups, is the Klout API. We list 7 Klout mashups. Below you’ll find some more stats from the directory, including the entire list of sentiment APIs.In terms of the technical details, REST and JSON lead the way. There are […]

Sentiment Analysis for social media and marketing – Digital Surgeons

In 1975, two New York inventors created the mood ring. The ring contained an element that changed color dependent on your mood. It skyrocketed in popularity and such rings are still sold today. Mood rings reflect your mood as much as twitter bots and strippers actually like your personality: not at all. Is sentiment analysis the mood ring of the […]