
Greece Stock Market Boosted By Euro Vote |

Greece Stock Market Boosted By Euro Vote
economyby Sotiria Nikolouli – May 26, 2014
Athens Stock Exchange made gains Monday as investors discounted any short-term prospects of an early general election after Greece’s European election results.
On the board, the ASE General Index ended 2.27% higher at […]

2 Key Stock Market Indicators You Need To Know – Timothy Sykes

Share”/>EmailShare”/>EmailWe’re at a very interesting time in the stock market after several years of a bull market and I’m getting more questions than ever on what will happen next.Here are 2 indicators you need to be aware of right now or else you risk getting slaughtered/missing opportunities:Understand I’ve already created 2 millionaire trading challenge students, am up $600,000+, or 120%+, […]

The Missing Link For A Stock Market Crash | Zero Hedge

For months we have been warning about excessive optimism on the stock market, since it was clear that it needed a break. Coincidence or not, lately it has been seemingly impossible for the market to take it to the next level. Many indices are still listed near or at their all-time highs (e.g. the S&P 500), but sensitive sectors and […]

Police report filed against suspicious trading of SMRT stocks | The …

By Terry XuLocal blogger and activist, Ravi Philemon has filed a police report to prompt an investigation into possible insider trading of SMRT stocks. In his report, he wrote,” I refer to the newspaper report “Transport Stocks up on talk of changes,” published in My Paper dated 21 May 2014. The report said that the land transport stocks powered ahead on Tuesday, 20 […]

Gotta Keep Dancing – Trading Of Penny Stocks Soars To Record …

Submitted by Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,It seems that no market tops until the bag has been fully passed to retail muppets, and we appear to be in the process of that happening right now. I have detailed this with regard to credit markets on several occasions, most recently with how Blackstone and other private equity firms are stuffing […]

Political Calculations: Is Technical Analysis Completely Worthless?

The general consensus among most people who seriously study markets is that technical analysis is mostly garbage. After all, how can a investing method that completely disregards a company’s fundamental business prospects in favor of tracking its stock price over time possibly ever get anything right except by chance? In fact, the most wide-ranging study conducted to date of technical […]

Thursday May 22, 2014, Today Stock Market | ShortTermStockTrading

PLEASE NOTE:  Trader Bob is out of town and in a hospital undergoing medical procedures all the week of May 19.  This is not serious and has nothing to do with the stock market!   Using a lap top and remote access to my home computer I will attempt to make minimal daily posts to this web site and show […]

Tuesday May 20, 2014, Today Stock Market | ShortTermStockTrading

PLEASE NOTE:  Trader Bob is out of town and in a hospital undergoing medical procedures all the week of May 19.  This is not serious and has nothing to do with the stock market!   Using a lap top and remote access to my home computer I will attempt to make minimal daily posts to this web site and show […]